ProCore® 648
From the innovative wheels within the coring path, to the large 48" aeration swath, there's nothing ordinary about the ProCore® 648 aerator. Years of research, customer input, testing and attention to detail went into making the ProCore® 648 the most productive and efficient walking aerator on the market.

ProCore® 864/1298
The ProCore® 864 and 1298 takes the proven coring head technology from the very successful ProCore® 648 combined with an improved platform, the result is the most productive and durable large area aerators available today.

ProCore 864 - 64" Aerating Width
ProCore 1298 - 98" Aerating Width

ProCore® SR Series
The compact and heavy duty SR Series are designed for use on a variety of turf areas including fairways, greens, tees, and athletic fields. The SR Series features a working width of up to 73" (1.85 m) and depth capabilities of up to 16" (41 cm).

Series Models:

  • ProCore SR54
  • ProCore SR54-S
  • ProCore SR70
  • ProCore SR70-S
  • ProCore SR72

Turf Aerator 686/687
The 686 and 687 Turf Aerators are an effective and efficient way to aerate your large turf areas. Designed with 70 pound cast wheels and a unique floating head design, these aerators give excellent depth performance and follow ground contours, vertically and horizontally, like no other aerator available. For highly compacted or unusually uneven grounds, optional rear weights are available for either model.